Birmingham Bullring
- The population of Birmingham is 1, 141,186 in 2022
- The bull ring is one of the UK'S largest and busiest shopping centres with a footfall per year 39 Million.
- Birmingham has a burgeoning Business, Professional and Financial Services (BPFS) sector, with over 4,300 financial and professional services companies. These alone employ over 50,000 people, making it the largest regional cluster outside of London

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Birmingham Bullring
- The population of Birmingham is 1, 141,186 in 2022
- The bull ring is one of the UK'S largest and busiest shopping centres with a footfall per year 39 Million.
- Birmingham has a burgeoning Business, Professional and Financial Services (BPFS) sector, with over 4,300 financial and professional services companies. These alone employ over 50,000 people, making it the largest regional cluster outside of London